Solidarity Project with Women Fishermen

Solidarity Project with Women Fishermen

Activities / Completed Projects / Supports Provided by TPF

Solidarity Project with Women Fishermen

Project Content;

It is a solidarity and support program initiated to support fishing families affected by natural disasters such as earthquakes, storms, tsunamis and pandemics in our country. On October 30, 2020, the earthquake off the coast of Samos and the subsequent small-sized tsunami deeply affected the families of Sığacıklı, who make their living from fishing. It is aimed to meet the urgent needs of families who make their living by fishing during the Covid-19 pandemic measures.

Social and economic support was provided to the fishermen and their families in order to restore the material and moral conditions of the fishing families as quickly as possible after the disaster. The program includes material and moral support packages for fishing families after the disaster. 

Food support package (Basic foods) 
Health support package (Basic hygiene and cleaning products)
Fishermen support package (Tarps, fishing nets, blankets, etc.)
Education support package (Basic education kit, tablet etc.)
Social support package (Supportive counseling services)
110 fisher families received support packages. All of these packages were delivered to the fisher families and their relatives by going from house to house.

The Women Fishermen's Association carried out this work together with the KAMER Foundation. The women interviewed were asked to fill in the household visit form used by the KAMER Foundation. With this form, the needs of fisherwomen to be met in the medium and long term were identified.