Online Psychological Support Project during Pandemic Period

Online Psychological Support Project during Pandemic Period

Activities / Completed Projects / Supports Provided by TPF

Online Psychological Support Project during Pandemic Period

The Online Psychological Support Project was implemented in 20 provinces in Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia (Adıyaman, Ağrı, Antep, Batman, Bingöl, Bitlis, Diyarbakır, Elazığ, Erzurum, Hakkari, Iğdır, Kars, Malatya, Mardin, Kızıltepe, Siirt, Urfa, Tunceli, Van, Şırnak).
KAMER has been supporting women who want to get rid of the violence they have been experiencing for years. This support continues even during the pandemic. However, women experienced 35% more violence during the pandemic. Due to the pandemic, it was not possible for women to reach psychologists. Moreover, women who do not speak Turkish have never been able to access health services. The idea of online psychological support was born out of this need.
The Online Psychological Support Project provided psychological support to 150 women. The planned psychological support provided revealed other new needs of women during the interviews. 
- 58 women were referred to a psychiatrist.
- 1 woman was referred to take her child to a psychiatrist.
- 1 woman's husband was referred to a sexual therapist.
- 13 women were referred to the bar association for legal counseling.
- It was determined that 4 interviews were not sufficient for 11 women and a 5th interview was needed.
As the interviews progressed, it was seen that some women were in need. These women were referred to KAMER again.
- 11 of them received financial support.
- 16 women were supported to find a job.
- 1 woman applied to the police center.
- 1 woman received child support from social services.